
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Solarplate Print "Lap Cat"

Just finished my 12 week printmaking class at NHIA with this Solarplate print of my cat, Sadie. She was sleeping on my lap the other day so I drew her from above. I transferred the sketch onto a piece of mylar, then transferred it onto the Solarplate. This image was printed on BFK paper using Akua waterbased intaglio ink.

It's funny, now that Sadie is getting older, she has become a lap cat. In her younger days she would never stay. I think her older bones must like the warmth, and since I'm always cold, I appreciate it too.


  1. So pretty! Great fur Jane! Was it hard on your hand? I love lap cats!!

  2. Used a nice soft pencil for the drawing. The transferring to the plate is done by an intense light source. Much easier than scratching into a plexiglass plate for a dry point etching!

  3. I've been hearing a bit about mylar lately. In the colored pencil world, some artists are doing their grayscale on the back of the mylar, and the colored part on the front. It gives it a great deal of depth, I guess. I've never ventured away from good old white paper. Maybe I'll give it a try! Your work always makes me happy. It's wonderful!

  4. Marvelous marvelous fur--and I'm envious of the cat-in-the-lap. I'm allergic to cats, so can't have one, and my dog is far too big to be a lapdog. What IS mylar anyway?

    I LOVE printmaking, and wish I had time to go to the studio and do some......

  5. Mylar is just a see through plasticy sheet, it has a frosted side that one can draw on---it really takes the pencil well.

    I'm intrigued by Katherine's idea for drawing on 2 sides with colored pencil and pencil--I'll have to search that technique out!
