
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Illustration Friday "Dusty"

You never know what you might find in a dusty old attic! My grandparents' attic was a lot like this one. When we eventually had to clean out their house, my most interesting find was a trunk which contained a very old porcelain doll's head with beautiful blond hair. I don't know what happened to the rest of the doll's body, but someone had saved the head.

For this illustration, I used black prismacolor pencil and a limited palette of burnt umber and ultramarine blue (and a tiny bit of alizarin crimson mixed in for the face).


  1. Very nice painting--it really captures the feeling of that attic.

  2. Looks like a very fun place to play!

  3. Gorgeous illustration, Jane! I love what you do with color and line. And she definitely has that feeling of "what will I find next?..treasures?" - well done!! I hope you've been well!

  4. oooooh! I love this one, Jane!!! Great composition and mood. I can sense the wonder of exploring an old dusty attic in this image. Well done!!!

  5. seems like a good and nice attic to wonder around!!

  6. Wow Jane! Nice tone and effect for this work! Love your concept and yopu really pulled it off. It has that dusty feel to it. One time my cousins found a pair of prosthetic legs in their attic!

  7. This is such a great scene! I like the unique way that you applied the colored pencil! Love the story this tells.
