
Friday, April 29, 2011

Princess and the Pea

In honor of the Royal Wedding, I thought I'd post an illustration I created to commemorate the musical, "Once Upon a Mattress" that was recently performed at my school. Students from the Art Department painted a giant wooden bed to look like it really had 19 soft mattresses on it. The show was a great success! Fortunately, Kate Middleton didn't have to be a "real" princess to marry her prince. I enjoyed watching all the pageantry, even if I did have to get up at 5 am this morning. I brewed a cup of English Breakfast tea and settled down with the cat to watch the perfectly orchestrated event. Cheers to the happy couple!


  1. This is a wonderful illustration--and so appropriate for the rw!

  2. I would like your permission to use this graphic for our cast t-shirts for our junior version of this show at our middle school. Would that be possible? Thanks for your consieration.
