
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Glad to be finally posting my Illustration Friday drawing for this week's theme of "scary". It was pretty scary around my house for the last few days as we didn't have power or heat for over 24 hours, due to a record-breaking October snow storm. We had about 20" of wet heavy snow in my area. Fortunately our power came on late last night, although many people are still without electricity all up the East Coast. It's so odd to see fall foliage and this much snow on the ground at the same time! But we're expecting temperatures warming into the 50's this week, so much of it will be gone. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my unexpected day off from school!


  1. hee hee, this is adorable....they both look so pleased!

  2. Ha! So cute. Nice job - love his little cape.

  3. i love your mouse with a candy!! trick or treat!!

    Halloween is getting bigger in The Netherlands!! here they celebrate more 11th of November; St. Maarten! Than they walk with a light [ in a pumpkin or whatever] and sing songs!

  4. Lovely illustration!
    Hope you've had a great Halloween.
