
Friday, December 30, 2011

Illustration Friday "Highlight"

The highlight of her birding excursion was the sighting of a scarlet tanager!

I've been trying to organize my studio space over the past two days, so I can begin the new year with a clean desk and some semblance of order. This how it looks tonight! Happy New Year to all!


  1. simply love ur work. cheers and happy new year

  2. Very nice painting. I'm really drawn to the background. I'm also slightly inspired to clean my own space. Maybe? Happy New Year!

  3. jane! a LOVELY piece! "-)) and i'll bet ol' elizabeth zwerger's space is like, totally blah and boring compared to your zippy and colorful (LOVE THAT RED LAMP!) working nook!

    thanks so much for the visits! the happiest 2012 to you and yours! "-)

  4. I agree about the scarlet tanager. It's a gorgeous bird. Definitely a highlight!

  5. Happy new year Jane. Good to see your clear desk plan. Lovely image.
    Jane x

  6. Back to work tomorrow! The tree is down, the decorations put away, and my desk is pretty clean---hope I can keep it up in the new year!

  7. Hey Jane! Thanks for stopping by :o) I checked out your storybook sketchbook. Wonderful! I like your take on “highlight” Very nice. Happy New Year to you and Happy Birthday to mom :o)

  8. You look very organized...I'm jealous ;)
    Must be why you can make such cute illustrations!
    Happy New Year!

  9. Darling drawing, as usual! And I always love seeing other people's yours. I can't work facing a wall...isn't that weird?
