
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Illustration Friday "grounded"

Due to the snowstorm, all flights have been grounded.

Hope everyone has had a pleasant first week of the New Year! We are still enjoying a snow-less winter so far. The temps have been relatively mild, and I was able to go out for a nice long walk early this morning with one of my friends. We decided we'd prefer the bare pavements, even if it meant no cross-country skiing or snowshoeing for a while. Weather conditions can change very quickly here in New England, so it probably won't be long before it looks more typical for January.


  1. I love this illustration. It makes me want to cuddle up beside him.

  2. Really nice work! I wish it would snow here, so I could strike a similar pose. :)

  3. He is so cute Jane, I just love those legs!! That would also make a really great Get Well Card! We have also had a very mild winter so far here in the UK, it was 11oc today...unheard of at this time of the year.
    Have a great week ahead,
    Jane x

  4. I'm enjoying being snow-less this winter, and it's always a good time to put up our feet and enjoy a cup of tea :) Nice job!

  5. Wonderful illustration, so cozy! It's been quite mild in Chicago area as well, I hope it holds! Hooray for nice walks. ;)

  6. What a great use of the grounded prompt. I didn't think of flights let alone bird flights, but he seems very comfortable with the situation.

  7. Such a fantastic take on the topic!

  8. Fantastic Jane... and what a coincidence.... We had a big snowstorm here in Chicago today!

  9. I would love to be grounded too, it looks so relaxing!
