
Monday, April 9, 2012

Illustration Friday "vocal"

In the morning, the cat was very vocal about his breakfast!

I know at our house we have to keep the bedroom door closed at night, because Sadie will come in way too early and start purring on my side of the bed---she knows who feeds her, and she is relentless once she thinks it's time for me to be up.


  1. Haha, so cute! At our house, it's a relentless dog. Great job on the kitty, love the stripes and that pale purple background goes so nicely.

  2. Cute illustration. I wish a closed door could keep my kids out, they're very vocal about their breakfast.

  3. Lovely work, she really looks like she is in attack mode! :D

  4. Sounds just like my house, x2! Your illo is definitely owner-POV :) Great!

  5. We do better to keep the door open when she'll come in and go to sleep on the bed. A closed door doesn't keep out the noise of the meows. Love the angle you decided to show.
