
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Illustration Friday "sight"

Kitty was entranced by the sight of the bubbles.

Working a new blog header for June, so I tried to tie it in with Illustration Friday's theme of "sight". It's been a very busy weekend with one daughter's prom, and the other daughter's college graduation, plus gallery sitting all afternoon today. Fortunately the weather was fabulous for all the events!


  1. awww, very nice. like the illos in your Etsy shop as well!

  2. Yes, you do sound busy! Congratulations on the graduation. I love that Kitty is so focused on the bubbles. Sweet illo!!

  3. Lovely work Jane. It sound like a fab weekend too, the weather is finally starting to warm up over here too. Enjoy ;0)
    Jane x

  4. So cute! The bubbles are really great.
