
Sunday, July 1, 2012


For this week's Illustration Friday prompt, "refresh" I was thinking about summer vacations, and how we all need time to refresh our minds, bodies, and spirits. Because I teach full time in a high school during the rest of the year, my summer vacation tends to be the time when I feel like I must get a lot done---new art, better Etsy shop, organize my studio space, on and on good intentions. Some days though, especially the hot ones (no central air here), I find myself pulling out the latest library book and plopping down in front of the fan for a refreshing escape into another's world.

I just read "The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D." by Nichole Bernier, and enjoyed it very much!


  1. Looks wonderful and relaxing. The tiny pool is so cute!

  2. What a lovely image Jane, have a wonderful summer...please send some heat this way...our summer so far has been dreadful here. Keep those feet cool!
    Jane x

  3. Charming illustration and I agree its nice to take time out for yourself. The more relaxed you are the better the work created tends to be.

  4. This illo makes me wish our weather here in the NW would heat up just a bit--she looks so relaxed and satisfied! Enjoy your summer, Jane :)

  5. Thanks for your comments! I went to a beautiful state park today and pretty much just sat there and read a book! I love summer!!
