
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Illustration Friday "tree"

This week's IF prompt is "tree." I felt a little bittersweet  drawing this theme as I've been thinking about the large maple tree that had to be cut down recently in our backyard. For many years it supplied shade on part of our backyard and deck. It had a lovely shape, but it developed a crack above the main trunk that compromised its ability to withstand another winter or wind storm. Now the pieces sit stacked in the yard, ready for pickup by one of our neighbors who has a wood stove. On the other hand, our gardens will get more sustained sun next summer, and that should be a good thing.


  1. Hi Jane,
    This is so great. I agree that it's hard to see beloved old trees go. Such a nice tribute!

  2. Wonderful illustration, trees can be dear old friends!

  3. A beautiful illustration :)

  4. What a beautiful tribute. I hope your garden will flourish now that there will be more light
