
Saturday, November 24, 2012


Illustration Friday "whiskers" (colored pencil and watercolor)

I had a very nice Thanksgiving holiday with family, and I am especially thankful for the long weekend to get organized for the month ahead. On top of all the Christmas insanity, I'm getting my work together for several art shows that have deadlines in December. I've also been working on a couple of prints. I finished a new reduction print of a crow which I'm hoping to get on my Etsy shop today. Here's a sneak peak of it.

It's very similar to a smaller 4"x 4" print I had made several years ago of the same subject, but this one is 5"x 7" with 2 layers of ink over a red-orangy rainbow roll.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Yesterday was mild, but today the wind picked up and brought in some much cooler, wintery temperatures. Brrrr...


  1. Love the cat (whiskers and all), love the crow (color to die for), and I am impressed at how prolific you are! Rainy usual :)

  2. So beautiful!
    Love both illustrations! The eyes of the cat catch my eye, and the colors are so lovely.
