
Monday, February 18, 2013


Illustration Friday "wool"

It has been frigid for the last few days with low temperatures in the teens and strong winds---perfect weather for a warm wool sweater, hat, and mittens.

I'm posting the black and white illustration today, but plan to add some watercolor. It was fun drawing this week's IF prompt, and trying to imagine what the inside of the barn would look like. Fortunately the sheep get to keep their thick coats for the winter, and the girl gets to enjoy last year's wool in its knitted form.

Stay warm!


  1. Brrr sounds cold Jane..keep snug. Your barn scene is great, those sheep have the best winter coats don't they! x

  2. Stumbled upon your blog while reading Penspaper Studio. Great drawing! Love your soft style.

    It's going to be in the 60s here in San Diego this weekend, which is frigid weather over here. Yeah, we're a soft bunch. Will bundle up! Heh...
