
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Illustration Friday---"Eyeglasses"

Seems like this is a bit redundant, but I'm home from school again today due to a snowstorm. We're expecting about 12" throughout the day and into the evening. As you can probably guess, everyone is sick of the white stuff, and praying for some spring-like weather.

I'm working on a new print, and may be able to finish it today. While out walking last month, I noticed a small bird's nest in the shrubs near the river. I liked the idea of the resilient little nest in the winter landscape. I'm working in a slightly different manner for this print. Instead of going from light to dark values, I printed a dark background, and am working toward the white. I also printed some on black, blue, and brown Canson papers to get more contrast. I will post the finished print when I'm done.


  1. Great cozy illo for If this week! Well done! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the print! :)

  2. Indeed! My favorite place to read. Nice work Jane!

  3. Gosh Jane, it's the first day of spring tomorrow and it sounds as though you are still in the grips of winter,brrr. Sending cheery thoughts to you. Great little drawing today and I look forward to seeing you little bird inspiration come to life.
    Jane x

  4. Really like your style. Great illustration!

  5. A nightly ritual & certainly one of my favorite past times! Love it!
