
Sunday, March 10, 2013


"Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday"

This is what my backyard looks like today. It's the 10th of March and my little fenced-in (woodchuck protection) vegetable garden is still covered with snow.

The weather was mild this weekend (high 40s) and I took a good long walk each day, as the sun was shining for the first time in a while. We didn't have school on Friday as it was snowing like crazy the night before and into that morning, and the roads were terrible. Fortunately, the past two days were lovely and Spring-like. I hope the snow is all gone by Easter, which is only 3 weeks away!


  1. Goodness me that is some snow Jane! I really hope it warms up soon for you....brrrrr x

  2. Hope your snow is all gone. Pretty photos!
    Your "yesterday" drawing is spot on!

  3. A week of warmer weather has helped! It's still there but it's going! Can't wait to welcome Spring next week!
