
Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Wild" Illustration Friday

Someone's having a wild hair day!

It has been windy and cool for the past couple of days, but the snow is gone and the plants are coming up. During my afternoon walk, I noticed a lot of crocuses in bloom, and daffodils that were getting ready to open this week. In my yard, the day lilies are about an inch or two high. I've also noticed that the male gold finches are quite yellow again. They are attracted to the thistle feeders, as are the pine siskins. Hopefully we won't have any bears rambling into our yard and tearing down feeders this year.

I'm working on a new print for a print exchange coordinated by the Brooklyn Art Library. The 12 prints have to be postmarked by April 30th. Eventually I will get 10 random prints mailed to me from printmakers all over the world. For the remaining 2, another one in my edition will go on to shows in NYC and California later this summer. The last one will stay in Art Library collection. I want to finish printing this week, so I can be sure the ink will be fully dry. Because I do multi-layered reduction prints with Akua inks, they can stay slightly tacky for a while. I'll post some images next week.

I hope everyone has a creative and productive week!


  1. What a sweet picture - good luck with your shows!

  2. Such a great drawing Jane, I love those bunny slippers peeping out and the sweet cat on the bed. This made me really smile as I have just woken up..thankfully my hair is not too wild this morning. The print exchange sounds so interesting, looking forward to seeing the final ones you are sending. I am glad spring is waking up your way too, Jane x

  3. Really sweet, Jane--I love all the subtle details, especially her expression.

  4. Lovely post and it was nice to read through as well!!
