
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Gelatin Prints

I spent a recent Saturday at a Monotype workshop, learning how to make Gelatin prints. Yes, regular old Knox Gelatin can be used to make monoprints without a printing press. Below is the gelatin plate ready to be inked up. (we used Akua Color inks and a brayer)

Our paper was attached to the plexiglass surface under the plate, so that it was easy to register the multiple layers of of the print (there is a "ghost" print on the left, and the first print on the right).
A grouping of leaves were placed on the inked gelatin plate to create the design you can see on the right.

Other materials included stencils, feathers, bubble wrap, lace, etc.
 (anything flat and textured worked well)

A variety of prints made with multiple layers!

The possibilities are endless, and the process is suitable for all ages!


  1. what a fun workshop Jane...I would have loved to have joined you. Your prints are much depth to them! X

  2. I wish they were all mine---some were so fantastic!

  3. Way cool, to see this, as tomorrow I am going to a friend's house for an "art day" and we're going to make gelatin prints. I'd never even heard of them before, but this looks as cool as I was imagining.....

  4. Love this, what an original technique!!!
