
Friday, December 27, 2013

"Prints of the Year" Show

These are the two pieces that I am entering in the 2014 "Prints of the Year" exhibit, curated by Parker Potter, at the Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery in Portsmouth NH. The show runs from January 2--January 31.

Both prints are reduction block prints made from soft-cut blocks, hand-printed using Akua inks.
The sunflower print has 6 layers and the birch trees print has 4 but is printed on black paper.

Here are the beginning stages of the sunflower print. Fortunately I was able to take pictures of gorgeous  sunflowers on my walks around town last summer.

The birches print was made last spring for a "print exchange" that I participated in through "The Sketchbook Project".

The Opening Reception is on Friday January 3 from 5--8 pm. If the weather cooperates, I'll be there!

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