
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Illustration Friday "exotic"

Illustration Friday "exotic"

It's been a snowy day here---about a foot of snow has fallen over the last 12 hours. The best part about the snow is that I had a day off from work. What a treat to sleep in a bit in the middle of the week! Also, a chance to catch up on my art projects and do some baking. I made a black bean and sweet potato chili, that's healthy and easy to put together. One more trip outside tonight to shovel up the last of the white stuff, and then it's off to bed to catch up on a little reading. That's pretty much a perfect day!


  1. Adorable!!! Great concept!!!

  2. Oh Jane I must show this to my son. Giraffes are his favourite animal and don't tell him I told you but he still his his little baby one hidden in his cupboard. He's 25 in a few weeks and we all have such a soft spot for these gorgeous creatures. Your painting is just wonderful, it brought back memories for me of my boy looking at his giraffe pictures. Thanks for making me smile. Keep warm your snow has been as bad for you as the rain for us this year, roll on spring x

  3. I'm happy to make your day! There's something about giraffes and their seemingly ungainly parts that make them appealing!
