
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Illustration Friday "Space"

IF "Space"

Enjoying the February vacation break from the classroom. I'm not doing anything too exciting this week, but I am getting a lot done around the house and in my studio. It's a treat to have time to myself and no strict agenda. I love my job, but I could definitely find enough to do if I were retired. That's a few years away, so for the present I'll enjoy these shorter respites!

Odiorne Point---NH Seacoast in winter

This could make a nice print.


  1. I remember those toothless days Jane. A really fun drawing. I agree with you, I also love my job but yes I will certainly be able to fill all my time when I retire. Your view looks beautiful x

  2. Sweet. I have little ones still losing teeth:)

  3. yes, losing tooth and the toothfairy passing by!
    great illustration!
