
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Odiorne Print

My prints are drying on my handi-dandy IKEA wire clip hanger. It's a perfect solution for the lack of space in the studio for things to dry. I have it installed above the sliding glass doors in the studio.

This is one of the prints of the rocks at Odiorne State Park that I'm just finishing.

And this of course is Sadie hanging out on my lap while I read the Sunday paper.

Happily, April 1st has been a beautiful, mild day! Looks like we'll be finally seeing some Spring weather this week!

1 comment:

  1. Your print has come out so well Jane...I love it.. Glad to hear you finally have some spring weather, it was glorious here yesterday and got up to 22c in our sheltered garden. Sadie looks very comfy ;0) x
