
Monday, June 23, 2014

Tulip Prints

Just finished printing the final layer of my "tulip" print this morning. I'm finding the smaller, card-sized designs are no less time consuming than a larger image. I ended up using a magnifying glass to carve out the final areas with the smallest gouge carving tool. I will post the sequence of color layers that made up this 4 color reduction block print.

There is a light yellow first layer, and a deeper yellow layer second layer.

A light green layer

                                                           A fourth and final dark green layer.

The finished design!

Once the ink dries completely, I will package up the cards and their envelopes and put some in my Etsy shop. I'm trying to decide what to work on next---something bigger I think. I especially like doing landscapes, seascapes, and rocks, as well as birds and flowers.

I've been enjoying the beautiful summer weather we've been having! It's really nice to bring my studio out onto our screened-in porch, so I can enjoy the gardens and hear the the birds. One of the birdhouses has a noisy brood of House Wrens. The parents are flying in non-stop with food for the babies. Hopefully they'll fledge soon before the poor parents get completely exhausted! My husband has been working like a fiend too---weeding and planting his perennial gardens. The yard looks great, and is definitely an inspiration.


  1. They're great tulip prints Jane, it's fun to see the layers building up. Enjoy your summer time. ....if only we could just press the pause button with this weather! x
