
Sunday, November 30, 2014


What started out as a nuisance snowstorm the day before Thanksgiving, turned out to be a long, cold ordeal for a lot of people in our area of New Hampshire.

We lost power on Wednesday night around 7pm and didn't get it back on until Friday night around 11:00 pm. We weren't the only ones, as about 200,00 customers were in the dark at the peak of the blackout. Anyway, our Thanksgiving plans were adjusted, and we headed off to my sister-in-law's house about 45 minutes south of us. Everyone gathered there for a fun afternoon of feasting and celebration in a warm toasty location!

We had hoped for restored power that night, but instead slept in multi-layers under multiple quilts.
When the lights finally came on the next night,while we were bundled up again in bed, it was a wonderful thing!! You really appreciate the things one takes for granted when they are gone!

I took a few pictures today of the river while walking about town this afternoon.

Now that I'm back on the grid, I can share one of the new projects I've been working on. I've finished the first layer of a new reduction block print of marbles in a Ball jar, and am currently carving away the gray layer in preparation for the next color.

I may have to simplify some of the colors, but I hope to be able to create the illusion of the glass jar and the shiny marbles within.

Wishing everyone a merry week ahead!

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