A few fun notes: I have my work in three exhibits right now---the Plymouth State University Alumni Show, the Hopkinton Historical Society Art Show, and through October, the Castle in the Clouds "Finding Place on Paper" Contemporary Poets and Printmakers Exhibit.
Block Island Sunrise is one of the block prints hanging at the Hopkinton Historical Society through December.
I'm working on a couple of new prints that revisit previous subject matter. I have one more layer of inking to do on an updated birch tree theme, and I'm starting another sunflower print.
These were some sunflowers my husband photographed for me, while we were on a day trip to Portsmouth NH. I also grew a few sunflowers in my garden this year. They are starting to droop a bit now, but here are a few images from when they were just opening up.

It's rainy and dreary here today, but tomorrow the sun is supposed to come out a again with warmer temperature in the 70s. The weather in New England is unpredictable! Last weekend the temperature was in the humid 90s, and today it was 49 degrees this morning. I'm trying to convince my husband that we may need to turn on the heat later. He says "bundle up."
Enjoy the weekend!!