Friday, September 20, 2024

Rocks on North Hampton Beach

 Summer is officially over, and I'm working on a new print inspired by the many walks I've taken on North Hampton Beach this year. I loved seeing the cairns that people would build precariously on the rocks at the end of the beach.

The beginning stages of carving out the lightest areas.

One layer of ink on the rocks, then a blended sky. I used Akua inks, Arches paper and a Soft-Kut block.

Adding the water. (I used a stencil to separate the rocks from the sky)

Adding some texture to the water.

Adding a bit more value to the rocks, as well as a cooler tone to some areas.

As of today, this is the state of the block. Spent quite a few hours carving away the various textures on the rocks. The next and final inking will hopefully define the darkest shadows on all the rocks.

This block is 8" x 10" and will be a hand-printed edition of 12. I'm looking forward to posting the finished image very soon!


Friday, August 2, 2024

August Art

 How can it be August already? The summer is flying by! We recently returned from a week at the beach, and had a great time, especially since the temperatures have been very high, as well as the humidity!

I took a lot of photos, and tried to get some new images that I can use for  my next block prints. 

The last print I made in my series of shells and other sea creatures, is completed in time for the Uncommon Art on the Common show tomorrow.

Sketch, stencil, and print

I used an Arches paper, Akua inks, and a baron to hand print this small edition of 14 prints.

Stay cool!


Friday, June 14, 2024

Inspired by Summer and the Seashore

 I've been working on a couple of small prints of seashells. So far I've done a block print of a scallop, and another of the "yin and yang" of a mussel shell.

I'm participating in the Uncommon Art on the Common in Goffstown again this year. It also happens to be the 15th anniversary of the event, and will take place on Saturday August 3rd.

The little block prints that I've been working on are quite small at 5" x 5", and will be matted to fit an 8" x 8". frame. I'd like to complete one more in the series before August 3rd. The question is, what kind of shell will be next. I have a variety of local New England shells that have been saved over the years, and I'm looking over my collection for the right one.




Summer officially arrives on June 20th, and if the forecasters are correct, it looks like it may be a 90 degree scorcher! Stay cool!


Friday, May 3, 2024

"On the Rocks 2"-the finished print!

 I finished the finish layer of the "On the Rocks 2" block print this week. It was a complicated design, one in which I used a variety of stencils to mask out sections that I wanted to keep separate from the areas I was working on.

I'm pleased overall with the finished image! I wanted to get it done in time for the Members' Show at the Two Villages Art Society gallery in Contoocook, that opens later in May. Also I'll have it for sale in my Etsy Shop---JGTentas.

Looking forward to some warmer spring weather! It's been a bit chilly and rainy here in New England. Lots of daffodils blooming though, which is very cheerful! 

Happy weekend to all!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Shells on Rocks Print

 I haven't posted on this site for several months, but I have been busy working on a new reduction block print. This new print is another version of the On the Rocks theme that I created last year.

For this piece, I used a photograph of beach stones that I superimposed with actual shells, a couple of rocks, a sand dollar, and a sea urchin.

Then I traced my design and transferred the image onto a 6" x 9" easy cut block, and drew over all the lines with a permanent marker.

I carved away all the areas that will remain white on the print, and printed the first layer of ink.

I made a stencil to block out the background rocks, and worked on each shell individually, as I wanted to use different color schemes for each one.

This is the result of the mini prints using the stencil.

This is the state of the block itself after the printing of the shells.

I put little stencils on each shell, to block out the areas already completed.

This is the light gray layer for the background rocks.

The next layer is defining the rocks more.

I'm working on carving out the background rocks now. It will take a while  to finish this stage of the process. Hope to show the finished design by the end of the week. 

Check back in!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Cat in a Tree Block Print

Happy February!

I just finished a new reduction block print, and am shipping it off to its new home today. This was a custom order of a cat hanging out in his favorite tree. 

 I worked on the orange cat first, using stencils and a small roller, to keep the colors of the cat separate from the tree.

Then I did a couple of green layers for the leaves.

Next was the gray layer

The final layer was black

I am happy with the finished print. There are about 8 layers of ink overall, as well as the white of the BFK paper in some areas. I used Akua inks which are easy to clean with Dawn detergent and water. The printing plate is Soft-Kut, which is sold by Dick Blick. I prefer that material because it is so easy to carve, and it holds the details very well. All of the prints are hand printed without using a press. I usually use the back of a wooden spoon to impress the image onto the paper.

Enjoy the weekend! We are having a relatively mild one coming up! Might be in the 50s.

XO Jane

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Holiday Greetings!

 Merry Christmas, and soon to be New Year!

It is nice to sit back and reflect after the hectic and joyous Christmas of 2023. It was wonderful getting the families together for a big feast at my sister-in-law's house. We lost the family matriarch last January, and every holiday since has been a first without her. Despite her physical absence, the traditions and love goes on.

I had been working on a small block print for my annual holiday-themed design. I usually create something new each year, and this idea came from a friend's yard display. 

I customized some of the designs with the addition of snowflakes, or a little paint here and there for definition.

I really enjoyed our own Christmas tree this year! It was just such a pretty shape and size. Each ornament is a memory. Many were made by my grandmother, or given to us by special friends.
We still like a real tree, and hopefully will until we can't physically put one up anymore! 

Best Wishes for the New Year!💚