Slippery, slithery spaghetti! Tried to think of an illustration that did not involve snakes because I realized I did not particularly like drawing snakes, and it seemed a too predictable way to go. Although, if an illustration assignment came my way involving snakes, yes, I would gladly draw them.
Slithery slurpy and so satisfying--excellent alternative to snakes!
ReplyDeleteI love the color scheme and spaghetti frame. His little curls are a nice touch as well. I love seeing your work each week :)
ReplyDeleteVery cute.
ReplyDeleteNice... I love your noodle frame :)
ReplyDeleteI like your innovative approach to the topic. I like the spaghetti frame. Great illustration.
ReplyDeleteHey Jane! Nice way to sidestep the snake thing! Love this... very delightful! Gotta love those freckles!
ReplyDeleteLove how the frame is made of noodles! Hehe! Very cute. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great take on the subject! The spaghetti frame looks wonderful!
ReplyDeletevery nice. I like the noodle border, too cute!
ReplyDeletevery nice, love the noodly frame
ReplyDeleteLooks delicious, and real creative to use spaghetti for the topic!
ReplyDeleteCreative and original! Great, simple illustration.
ReplyDeleteSo clever!! Good for you-- Slither seems so particularly snakey, but this is perfect!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful illustrations on your blog! I tried so hard to come up with a drawing that didn't have snails or snakes and couldn't. This is so clever!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. I always love seeing your interpretations. They never fail to impress me.
ReplyDeleteGreat concept and a wonderful illustration!
ReplyDeleteOh a very cute and clever twist indeed!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet illo and nice interpretation for Slither! the frame is cute too! ♥
ReplyDeleteI like your concept!!! I too was trying to think of something other than snakes or something gross. Have not done mine yet.