Showing posts with label Island light print. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Island light print. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2022

Island Light print progress

 Just about finished with my Island Light 2 print. I have a few individual prints that need a little touching up, but the bulk of the process is completed. I found that the darkest color ink mix that I was using, wasn't adhering to the paper as well as I would like. One issue that can happen, relates to the temperature and humidity of the studio. It has been very warm, so the ink was thinner than usual. I ordered some Akua Mag Mix, which is a magnesium based paste that can be added into the ink to stiffen it up. I think that was helpful.  Below is the state of the Soft-Kut block after all the layers. were carved away.                                 

This is the finished print made with the following layers:

"Rainbow roll" sky for a gradation of colors

Pale  blue

light medium blue

medium blue 


dark blue


I'll have this print available on my Etsy shop,  JGTentas, as soon as they are dry enough to ship!

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, August 15, 2022

"Island Light" continued

  It's hard to believe that it is mid-August already! The summer always seems to fly by so quickly! When I was a full-time teacher, I'd be savoring the last couple of weeks, and trying to change my mindset about going back to work. Now I'm thinking how lovely the weather can be in September!

I'm still working on the "Island Light" (version 2) reduction block print. The lighter tones have been printed, and I've been doing a lot of carving in preparation for the darker areas on the windows and roofs.


It's tricky to cut away all the raised areas that I don't want any of the darker inks to get on. I've found that I sometimes need to create stencils to block off certain parts. 

I hope you are enjoying the process as much as I do! 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Mid-summer Printmaking

 I'm writing this in the midst of a summer heat wave. Looks like a week of 90 degree weather will run through the weekend, with occasional thunderstorms and high humidity. When it's this warm, I like to hunker down by the fan/AC, and catch up on indoor tasks!

Thanks to air conditioning I've been able to work on my latest print. This print is a re-do of of an older one using the same subject matter, but a little larger, and hopefully as well-liked as the first.

"Island Light" the original

First layer with a blend

Edition of 16 printed with the blend of inks

The block with first areas carved out

                                                                     Close up

                                                    Inking the plate with a light bluish gray

                                                              Second layer printed

I'm using Akua inks, a Soft-Kut block, and an Arches white acid-free paper for this edition. As I am printing without a press, it takes a lot of time and effort using a wooden spoon, to evenly adhere the ink to the paper.  For the next layer, I will first be cutting away the areas that I wish to remain this color, then printing again with a bit darker tone.

Stay cool! I'll update my progress on the new "Island Light".