Showing posts with label eyeglasses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyeglasses. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Illustration Friday---"Eyeglasses"

Seems like this is a bit redundant, but I'm home from school again today due to a snowstorm. We're expecting about 12" throughout the day and into the evening. As you can probably guess, everyone is sick of the white stuff, and praying for some spring-like weather.

I'm working on a new print, and may be able to finish it today. While out walking last month, I noticed a small bird's nest in the shrubs near the river. I liked the idea of the resilient little nest in the winter landscape. I'm working in a slightly different manner for this print. Instead of going from light to dark values, I printed a dark background, and am working toward the white. I also printed some on black, blue, and brown Canson papers to get more contrast. I will post the finished print when I'm done.