Last weekend I had the opportunity to set up a little "Pop Up" shop in a replica train car, built by Roundhouse Workshop, which is based in Contoocook NH. The replica train cars can take on the roles of tiny houses, studios, shops, etc.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Pop Up Art
Friday, November 12, 2021
November Days
November has graced us with some very nice weather this year! Although as I write this, rain is coming down in buckets!
I can't resist taking pictures on my walks. The colors of the foliage are ranging from subtle to vibrant, and it has been great to be able to get out and enjoy them.

Monday, October 11, 2021
The finished print
I finally finished the final layer on my "Cascade Falls" print. It takes so long to complete these highly detailed prints, as I have to hand print each of the 16 prints for each color layer. I think this print has about 8 different color values in it, so that's 128 individual pieces of paper that must be rubbed with a baren and wooden spoon. A printing press produces a quicker, more even print, but I like the ability to control the pressure on individual areas of the block.
I use Akua Intaglio inks for most of my prints. They are made with soy oil, and can be cleaned easily with soap and water. I use diluted Dawn detergent for cleaning, as it cuts the greasiness of the inks.
The prints take time to dry thoroughly, so I leave them hanging for a week or more, then I stack them in my print drawers with paper in between each sheet. The more layers, the longer it takes for drying.
The last layer on this print is a mixture of Mars Black and Burnt Umber.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Progress on "Cascade Falls" Print and Welcome Autumn
I've been busy working on the current reduction block print of the Cascade Falls trail in Waterville Valley, NH. There are so many leaves, rocks, and other textures to carve away, that it's taking a long while to fully complete! It seems that the more prints I work on, the more complex and intuitive the process becomes. I'm fully hand printing each layer, which allows for more control of pressure in specific areas, but it also slows down the printing of each stage of the image. I have also been switching to a slightly heavier and whiter BFK printmaking paper, that holds up better to multiple color layers.
Here are a few photos of the ongoing progress.
yellow tones added to background
mixing ink for a layer of green
The printing plate with brown ink
The brown layer
more greenWednesday, September 1, 2021
Cascade Falls Block Print
It's hard to believe that it is September 1st already. The summer flies by so fast, and this is my second year of not having to go back to teaching. I miss my colleagues, and the kids, but I'm happy to be retired! I really enjoy being able to work in my studio, attend the morning classes at the gym, and have some flexibility in my schedule!
I just started working on a new print of the Cascade Falls Trail in Waterville Valley, NH. I went hiking recently, during a weekend attending the Women's Leadership Summit, a group connected with Plymouth State University. It was a great time, and we had a lot of fun being outdoors in the beautiful White Mountains.
I carved out the white areas, then printed a light blue first layer.
The second layer is a light gray.
Now I will be carving out some of the gray areas for the rocks. There are so many tones on the rocks, I'm not sure how many layers it will take to define them. I also think I'll be carving and printing the foreground rocks separately from the greens of the forest in the background.
Stay tuned!
Friday, August 6, 2021
Piscataquog River Print
I've been busy getting ready for the Uncommon Art on the Common Art Sale, which is taking place in Goffstown Village tomorrow. It has been a couple of years since I last participated, due to weather and Covid, but it's always a lot of fun! I'm selling block prints, and my friend Lori has gorgeous felted animals, as well as prints.
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July! Just because the weather is dreary, it doesn't mean we can't celebrate the holiday!
Friday, June 25, 2021
"Adirondack Chairs" Block Print
Just taking a break from my studio work, to post the block print that I finished today. I've been working on the "Adirondack Chair" image this month, and I'm generally pleased with the way it came out. I incorporated a few stencils, as well as a small brayer to ink individual areas.
The finished print (fuchsia edition)
The location of the original photo, that inspired the print, is Little Squam Lake in Holderness NH.
I'm enjoying the beginning of this summer! The mask wearing is mainly over (had to wear one today at the post office), and the weather has been lovely for the most part! Picked strawberries at one local farm, and have been working a lot in the yard. I planted a variety of herbs--now have to remember to use them. When you live in New England, you have to appreciate every summer day!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Feels like summer!!
We had some very hot weather over the past seven days, with high humidity and temperatures in the 90s. Finally today, it's just perfect! Sunny and much cooler with low humidity! I was able to get out in the garden for a couple hours, doing some weeding and mulching. Our perennial beds are doing very well this year!
I've also been working on a new print. The inspiration comes from a misty October day, when I took some photos of empty Adirondack chairs at Squam Lake in Holderness. I've been experimenting with stencils to block off some areas on the print.
I didn't take a picture of the first layer, which was the blue-gray water and sky, but I used the deckled edge of some heavy watercolor paper to define the sand, water, and sky.
Next, I'm going to attempt to put a layer of light gray over the trees, water and sky, to create a more misty, foggy effect. If that is successful, I'll begin working on the chairs. It's all a bit experimental, so sometimes I have to figure it out as I go along.
Thanks for reading! Enjoy the weekend!