Monday, March 3, 2025

Finishing up the Bobcat print!

 I wanted to post the Bobcat print that I've been working on for a while. When it is fully dry, I'll be putting it on my Etsy site, JGTentas. Because of the multiple layers of Akua ink I'm using, it can take longer to dry. Also, I find the consistency of some of the inks tend to be more oily than others, especially the burnt umber. You have to stir all the Akua inks thoroughly before using them, as the oil separates from the pigments. It's still my favorite ink because it stays workable for so long, and it cleans up easily with Dawn detergent.

"Bobcat" Reduction Block Print  Limited edition of 16

Looking forward to some warmer temperatures this month, to melt all the ice and snow of February!